Friday, March 16, 2012

Nature Cake

For this cake I had to enlist my oh so helpful boyfriend.  I wanted to carve it into a mountain shape and was too scared to hack into it myself, so I forced my boyfriend to play cake with me.   So I pretty much handed over the knife and let him go at it while I sweated, cursed a little and panicked in the background.  I also only had a day to bake the cakes, make the frosting and all the fondant pieces and put it together, so I was a little frantic.  In case you're wondering what I look like while making a cake, my boyfriend was also kind enough to illustrate for you:
Yup, that's pretty much accurate, except I don't have a goat leg.
Anyways, the cake turned out pretty cute.  I had the hardest time covering it with fondant, and with the time crunch I ended up falling back into my favorite stage, the 'ah fuck it (oh excuse me, but this stage does include profanities), good enough' stage.  There was a very obvious seam in the back and a huge hole on top which is how the mountain got it's very snowy cap.

My Dad kept saying 'wow' and it was the most amazing cake ever, gotta love the unwavering support of the parents!  I thought it was an okay cake.  I do love my moose and wooden sign, it really made the cake I think.

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