Friday, February 10, 2012

Buttercream Rose Cake

This weekend is the Give Your Heart to Hospice event here in Kodiak. I am so thrilled to be a part of it.  I was asked to donate a cake to be raffled at the event, and couldn't be happier to do it.  It is Valentines themed so I wanted to try out the buttercream rose cake.  I am absolutely in LOVE with this cake, I hope many others are too and it earns lots of money for the Hospice.

It is a layered chocolate and raspberry hot milk cake with vanilla bean and raspberry Italian buttercream.  The pink was tinted with raspberry sauce, made from just cooking down and straining raspberries.  I don't like using food color in frosting, this tastes and looks so much better.

This is not the greatest picture, I'm sure I could get a better one tomorrow on the glass stand I made for it, but I was to excited to share!

1 comment:

  1. Options

    Wyona Mooreposted toFor Sale Or Wanted In Setx

    this lady is using pics of your cakes to sell her cakes... just thought you should know... her page is called sweet treats
    she is from Vidor, Texas
