Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Very Manly Cake

Last year for my Boyfriend's birthday I was trying to figure out what kind of birthday cake I should make him.  The year before I made him a Pabst Blue Ribbon cake because that was what he used to drink (he has since matured to Coors).  I wanted to make him a manly cake, maybe in the shape of a steak?  I was playing around on the Internet trying to get some ideas and I came across the greatest idea ever- a meatloaf cake.

Since he loves meatloaf I thought great this can be dinner and the birthday cake.  I pulled it out as we were getting ready to eat dinner, and everyone was wondering why we were having dessert before the meal.  Surprise, surprise this was in fact a meatloaf.

It is actually a very easy thing to do.  Bake the meatloaf in 3 9" pans.  You want it to be pretty dense so it holds it's shape when you stack them.  The meat will shrink up and be oddly shaped after it is cooked, don't worry you can smooth it out when you frost it.

Stack the 3 pattys putting a layer of ketchup or glaze of your choice in between each.  Use instant mashed potatoes for the frosting (instant works better in this case because it is smoother)  Put a thin layer on first to smooth the cake out and stick all the crumbs to the 'cake'.  Let that cool and harden then put a much thicker layer of potato frosting on.  Work quickly when it cools it is harder to spread smoothly.  I piped the edges to make it look more like a cake, then put a layer of chopped bacon on top because bacon makes everything better, It almost looked like chopped nuts, but even bacon on a regular cake might be kinda awesome.

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