Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Peanut butter Secret

Wanna know a secret?  A very yummy peanut butter secret?  Okay, here goes, the very best-most awesome-super moist  peanut butter cookie recipe is also the easiest recipe.  I almost don't want to give it up, but here it goes.....I cup peanut butter + 1 cup sugar + 1 egg 350 degree oven 10 minutes = the most awesome (ya, okay you get it) peanut butter cookie e.v.e.r. Trust me, just try it.  Very good with a Hershey's Kiss (put on after baking) or chunk of chocolate, or other fav pairing with p.b.
Sorry no pics, very top secret.  Let me know how yours goes


  1. I may try these tonight! Can't wait! THANKS!!!

  2. I've made this, except with baking soda in it, and they were delicious. Now I'll have to try your version!

  3. no flour? Really? I will try, if no flour it'll be great for my gluten free friend! P.S. excited to see your blog.
