Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sick little animals

A co worker asked me to make a birthday cake for his girlfriend who is the veterinarian here in town.  Of course I made the cake so it looks like its for a 12 year old because that seems to be my specialty.  I delivered it to her office and it was a hit none the less. I also may have copied the gum paste animal style from a pinterest search (Peggy Does Cake, a very talented lady) but they were perfect for my cake, and within my comfort area of sculpting, which is still pretty limited.

M-I-C-K-E-Y m-o-u-s-e, Mickey Mouse!

I made this guy for a little boys first birthday.  I just used a 12" pan for the face and two 5" cakes for the ears.  If I did it again I think I would have used a 10" pan for the face, but I needed to make it big enough to feed a small army of kids and still fit on my boards. 

Caramel Apple Cake

Remember my almost prize winning Caramel Apple Cupcake recipe?  Well I thought it would make a great fall time cake as well.  This was a donation cake for the Kodiak Arts Council, I hope it did well! Isn't it cute?


My first ruffle cake, not gonna lie, I was a bit nervous, but it went great.  Super easy and so beautiful.
I found a great tutorial here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Ruffle-cake/