Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bunny Buts!

Happy Easter!
Carrot Cake cupcakes, with cream cheese frosting, from scratch of course!

A Cake History

I've done so many cakes in the past that I would like to share without having to make a whole blog about each.  So that's what this is, a bit of my cake making past.  The Baby Shower cake is a whip cream cake that I thought was really sweet.  The farm cake, birthday cake, and Mod monkey cakes are fondant.  I have to give credit to my old co-worker for the farm animals, she was an amazing sculpure artist.  I have since tried sculpting my own figurines, my first attempt: My moose! The doughnut cookies were some of my favorite, so simple yet so cute, sugar cookies with royal icing.  There are more, but that is all for now....

My Moose!

Sideways (:) Monkey Cake

Mmmm, doughnut cookies

A Burger Cake!